How Summer Heat Affects Your Car and How to Prevent Damage

Cars Protection Plus

Summer brings sunny days, road trips, and the promise of adventure. However, the season’s high temperatures can have detrimental effects on your vehicle if not properly managed. Understanding how extreme temperatures can affect various components of your car and knowing how to prevent damage can help you maintain its performance and longevity. Cars Protection Plus provides an in-depth look at the impact of high heat temperatures on your car and practical tips to mitigate these effects.

The Impact of High Temperatures on Your Vehicle

Battery Life

Heat and Battery Fluid: High temperatures can cause the fluid inside your car battery to evaporate, leading to decreased battery life and performance. The heat increases the rate of chemical reactions within the battery, which can result in overcharging and further damage.

Tire Health

Tire Pressure: Heat causes the air inside your tires to expand, which can lead to overinflation. Overinflated tires have less contact with the road, reducing traction and increasing the risk of a blowout.

Engine Overheating

Cooling System Strain: Your car’s engine works harder in hot weather, increasing the risk of overheating. The cooling system, which includes the radiator, water pump, and coolant, has to work overtime to keep the engine temperature in check. As the mercury rises, the ambient heat exacerbates the engine’s workload, necessitating efficient functioning of the cooling system to prevent overheating. This means that your vehicle’s cooling system must work overtime to dissipate heat and maintain optimal engine temperature levels, ensuring smooth operation even in the sweltering summer heat.

Fluids and Lubricants

Fluid Degradation: High temperatures can cause essential car fluids, such as oil, transmission fluid, and coolant, to degrade more quickly. This degradation reduces their effectiveness, which can lead to mechanical issues and decreased performance, or even engine damage if left unchecked.

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Interior Damage

UV Ray Exposure: Extended exposure to sunlight poses a significant threat to the interior materials of your car, leading to fading, cracking, or brittleness over time. This is especially true for components like leather seats, dashboards, and other interior surfaces, which are particularly susceptible to damage from UV rays. The harsh ultraviolet radiation from the sun penetrates through the windows of your vehicle, gradually breaking down the molecular structure of the materials. As a result, once-vibrant colors may fade, supple leather may become dry and cracked, and plastic or vinyl surfaces may lose their flexibility and become brittle. Protecting your car’s interior from prolonged sun exposure is essential to preserving its aesthetics and longevity, whether through parking in shaded areas, using sunshades, or applying protective coatings and treatments to maintain the integrity of the materials.

How to Prevent Damage from Summer Heat

Protecting the Battery

Regular Inspections: Check your battery regularly during the summer months. Ensure that the terminals are clean and free of corrosion and consider having a professional test the battery’s health.

Insulation: Battery insulation kits can help protect the battery from extreme heat, extending its lifespan. For individuals residing in regions characterized by high temperatures, such as desert climates or tropical areas, battery insulation kits are particularly indispensable. By investing in a battery insulation kit, drivers can mitigate the adverse effects of extreme heat on their vehicle’s battery, ensuring reliable starting power and optimal performance even in the harshest of conditions.

Maintaining Tire Health

Monitor Tire Pressure: Check your tire pressure frequently, as it can change with temperature fluctuations. Inflate your tires to the manufacturer’s recommended levels, which can usually be found in the owner’s manual or on a sticker inside the driver’s door.

Inspect for Damage: Look for signs of wear, such as cracks or bulges in the tires, and replace them if necessary. Rotating your tires regularly can also help ensure even wear.

Preventing Engine Overheating

Coolant Levels: Check and maintain the coolant levels in your car’s radiator. Ensure that the coolant mixture is appropriate for your climate; a 50/50 mix of coolant and water is usually recommended.

Radiator Maintenance: Keep the radiator clean and free of debris. Consider flushing the radiator and replacing the coolant according to your car manufacturer’s schedule.

Watch the Temperature Gauge: Pay attention to the temperature gauge on your dashboard. If it starts to rise above normal levels, turn off the air conditioning and turn on the heater to help dissipate the engine heat. If necessary, pull over and allow the engine to cool down.

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Preserving Fluids and Lubricants

Regular Checks: Check the levels of essential fluids, including oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid, and power steering fluid. Top them off as needed and follow the manufacturer’s schedule for fluid changes.

Use the Right Oil: During the summer, use oil with the correct viscosity rating for hot weather. Refer to your owner’s manual for the recommended oil type.

Protecting the Interior

Use Sunshades: Invest in sunshades or window visors to protect the interior of your car from direct sunlight. These can significantly reduce the temperature inside the car and protect against UV damage.

Park in the Shade: Whenever possible, park your car in a shaded area or use a car cover. This will help keep the interior cool and prevent UV rays from causing damage.

Window Tinting: Consider having your car windows tinted to reduce the amount of UV light that enters the vehicle. This can also help keep the interior cooler.


The summer heat can have a profound impact on your vehicle, affecting everything from the battery to the tires and engine. By understanding these effects and taking proactive measures, you can prevent damage and ensure that your car remains in top condition throughout the season. Regular maintenance, protective measures, and careful monitoring are key to keeping your vehicle running smoothly in the summer heat. With these tips, you can enjoy your summer drives with confidence, knowing your car is well-protected.

Why Parking Your Car in a Garage This Summer is a Smart Move

Cars Protection Plus

As summer approaches and temperatures begin to soar, it’s essential to consider how the heat impacts your vehicle. One of the smartest moves you can make to protect your car during the hot months is to park it in a garage. While it may seem like a simple decision, the benefits are significant and far-reaching. Cars Protection Plus highlights below the numerous advantages of keeping your car parked in a garage whenever possible.

Protection from UV Rays

One of the most detrimental effects of summer on a vehicle is exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. Just as UV rays can harm our skin, they can also damage your car. Here’s how:

Exterior Damage

UV rays can cause the paint on your car to fade and deteriorate over time. This can lead to a dull appearance and may even cause the paint to peel. By parking your car in a garage, you shield it from direct sunlight, preserving the vibrant color and glossy finish of your vehicle’s exterior.

Interior Protection

The interior of your car is equally vulnerable to UV damage. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause the dashboard, seats, and other interior components to fade, crack, or become brittle. Leather seats are particularly susceptible to UV damage, which can lead to unsightly cracks and a reduced lifespan. Parking in a covered space such as a garage or even a carport can provide a shaded environment, protecting the interior materials from harmful UV rays and maintaining the aesthetic and functional quality of your car’s interior.

Temperature Regulation

Another significant advantage of parking your car in a garage during summer is temperature regulation. The intense heat can have various adverse effects on your vehicle:

Battery Life

High temperatures can shorten the lifespan of your car battery. Excessive heat can cause the battery fluid to evaporate, leading to decreased performance and potential failure. By mitigating the extreme temperature fluctuations, helps to prolong the life of your car’s battery.

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Tire Health

The heat can also affect your tires. Hot pavement can cause the air inside your tires to expand, potentially leading to overinflation and increased wear. Additionally, the rubber can degrade faster when exposed to high temperatures. Parking in a protected space keeps your tires cooler and helps maintain the correct pressure, thereby extending their lifespan.

Fluids and Lubricants

Your car’s fluids, including oil, coolant, and transmission fluid, can degrade more quickly in extreme heat. High temperatures can cause these fluids to thin out, reducing their effectiveness and potentially leading to overheating or mechanical failures. A garage or other covered space provides a cooler environment that helps preserve the integrity of these essential fluids.

Reduced Wear and Tear

Protecting your car from summer weather exposure not only protects it from environmental factors but also reduces overall wear and tear:

Mechanical Components

Extreme temperatures can put additional stress on your car’s mechanical components, such as the engine and transmission. When your car is parked in a cooler environment, it experiences less thermal stress, reducing the likelihood of mechanical issues and extending the life of critical components.

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Exterior Elements

In addition to UV rays, other environmental factors like bird droppings, tree sap, and dust can accumulate on your car when parked outside. These elements can damage the paint and require frequent cleaning. A covered parking space provides a cleaner environment, reducing the need for constant washing while protecting the exterior finish.

Security and Safety

Beyond environmental protection, parking your car in a garage also enhances security. A locked garage offers a barrier against theft and vandalism, providing peace of mind that your vehicle is safe. Moreover, it protects your car from potential damage caused by other vehicles or pedestrians when parked on the street. While a commercial parking garage, like those attached to apartment complexes, might not offer the same level of security, it’s crucial to remember that safeguarding your belongings should always be a priority. Never underestimate the importance of removing valuables from your vehicle, and ensure that you lock the doors and close the windows every time you park in a public area – be it a parking garage, street, or elsewhere.


Parking your car in a garage during summer is a smart move that offers numerous benefits. From protecting against UV rays and regulating temperature to reducing wear and tear, a garage provides an optimal environment for maintaining your vehicle’s condition. By taking this simple step, you can extend the life of your car, enhance its performance, and preserve its aesthetic appeal. So, as the temperatures rise, remember that a garage is more than just a parking space—it’s a sanctuary for your vehicle.

CARS Protection Plus Discusses Ways to Protect Your Car from Winter Damage

CARS Protection Plus Discusses Ways to Protect Your Car from Winter Damage

The winter can be a treacherous season for our cars, especially those of us that live in areas that see significant amounts of snow during this time of year. While ice, snow, salt, and debris can cause a lot of damage to our vehicles if left unchecked, there are a few things that we can do to protect them against winter damage. Here, CARS Protection Plus includes a few common ways to keep winter hazards from harming your vehicle’s paint, glass, and undercarriage.

Wash and Wax Your Car

Washing and waxing your car before the first snow in your area is good practice for a few reasons. Waxing your car gives it a layer of protection against the elements, protecting it from rust and oxidation on the exterior. Washing is helpful because it rinses off slush and salt, which can be extremely damaging to the body, frame, and undercarriage of your vehicle. When washing in the winter, use lukewarm water, wipe with a soft material, and do not forget to clean the salt and debris that can accumulate under your car. For best results, always ensure that you are using high quality waxes and detergents to keep your car’s paint in the best condition possible.

Cover Up

CARS Protection Plus acknowledges that one of the best ways to protect against winter damage is to find ways to keep snow from making contact with your vehicle. Snow buildup can be damaging to your windshield, and a windshield snow cover can make a great barrier between snow and glass. When possible, protect your vehicle by keeping it out of the snow. If you do not have a garage or enclosure to prevent snow buildup, however, one solution can be to purchase a snow shelter. Snow shelters act as umbrellas for your vehicle and can protect it against direct contact with snow in addition to helping it maintain its interior warmth. CARS Protection Plus recognizes that an additional benefit to added protection is that it makes cleanup after snowfall much easier.

Consider Your Tires

Driving safety in the winter depends on how well our tires can keep traction and, for this reason, it can be helpful to examine your tires and consider replacing them with new ones if your current ones are worn out. Drivers in areas that only see occasional snow may only need all-season tires that perform well in snow traction tests. Drivers in areas that typically see a lot of snow in winter or where temperatures regularly drop below 45 degrees will fare better with dedicated winter tires. Even if your tires are well suited for winter conditions, CARS Protection Plus recommends regularly checking your tire pressure on a weekly basis to maintain traction on icy or wet surfaces while driving. This is an important step because tire pressure can decrease as much as one pound per square inch for every 10-degree temperature drop.

Cars Protection Plus Discusses the Most Common Reasons a Car Needs Repairs

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Are you considering buying a car? Have you created a monthly budget for yourself? Making a car expense budget can be difficult, especially when you don’t know what problems your vehicle might have in the future. The truth of the matter is, your car’s warranty will one day expire, and the older your car gets, the more problems its likely to have. For this reason, CARS Protection Plus offers the best vehicle service contracts within the U.S. to save their customers thousands of dollars in car repairs down the road. CARS Protection Plus has been around since 1998, and with more than twenty years of experience in the industry, they wish to inform their customers on what car issues to be aware of. Below, CARS Protection Plus will discuss three of the most common car repairs.

Spark Plug Replacement

When it comes to older cars, spark plug replacements are a common occurrence. When trying to start your ignition, your spark plug creates a spark that jumps the gap between electrodes. When this happens, the spark will burn off a small amount of metal. As your car gets older, this gap will grow, and over time, the spark will no longer be able to make the jump. Spark plug malfunctions can cause poor gas mileage, misfires, and bad acceleration. If your car is an older model and has a lite “check engine” light, it may be time to replace your spark plug.

Oxygen Sensor Replace

If your car was made before 1996, you won’t need to worry about replacing an oxygen sensor. However, for everyone, broken oxygen sensors can be a fairly common car issue. Oxygen sensors measure how much oxygen is being produced by combustion and is used to fine-tune the air-fuel mixture. When an oxygen sensor stops working, it can cause low gas mileage, misfiring, and other engine components.

Brake Work

A recent study showed that out of 2000 Americans, 25% know they should take their cars in for repairs but continue to drive them anyway. If you believe your vehicle is experiencing brake malfunctions, it is essential to take your car in for repairs immediately as brake failure can result in serious injury. The most common causes of brake failure are brake fluid leaks and worn out discs or drums. Over time, your car becomes more likely to experience these problems with their breaks, so if your vehicle is an older model, take measures to check your breaks frequently.

CARS Protection Plus Provides Tips for First Time Insurance Buyers

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The logistics to consider when purchasing car insurance can be daunting for any driver, but first-time car insurance buyers certainly have it the hardest. While there are a lot of elements that go into buying quality car insurance that will keep you properly protected on the road, experts such as those at CARS Protection Plus maintain that purchasing car insurance can be made simple if it is broken down into manageable steps. In this article, CARS Protection Plus provides a few tips that can put first-time car insurance buyers on the fast track to finding the best car insurance coverage for them and their needs as a driver.

Know Your State’s Minimum Requirements

Most states require that drivers have lability insurance as a baseline for owning a vehicle, but it is important for first time insurance buyers to read up on their state’s minimum requirements as every state has different required limits. CARS Protection Plus acknowledges that, in many cases, the minimum coverage that is required by your state may not be enough to properly protect your finances in the event that you are involved in an accident so, while having at least the baseline requirements is crucial, an individual will likely need a higher level of coverage as a first time buyer.

Research Optional Coverage and Decide What Amount of Coverage is Best

Certain coverages are optional but may be nice to have for protection against the many issues that can occur with driving. For example, medical payment coverage can help you pay for medical bills that occur as a result of an accident. Other optional coverage includes things such as bodily injury liability, property damage liability, collision, comprehensive, and uninsured motorist coverage that reimburses you if there is a hit-and-run or you are struck by an uninsured driver. Keep in mind that the more coverages you include in your policy, the more it will cost, but you may find that paying more is worth it for the protections that a thorough plan provides.

Evaluate and Compare Insurance Companies

While many individuals that are purchasing car insurance for the first time tend to think that all insurers are roughly created equal in terms of coverage and premiums, there can be large differences between plans from provider to provider. As a driver, it is of the utmost importance that you evaluate companies and compare their offerings and rates to find the highest quality insurance policy that you can for the price. When providers seem close in terms of pricing and offerings, CARS Protection Plus acknowledges that factors such as how good the providers’ customer service is are good metrics for comparing them.

The Cars of the Future: Prepare to Invest in a Strong Protection Plan

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There you are, sitting on the sofa watching an awesome movie portraying cars in the future, wondering to yourself if the automotive industry will ever produce a similar vehicle.  Herbie the Volkswagen Beetle, featured in The Love Bug, drives autonomously and even has feelings.  Bumblebee, the Chevrolet Camaro from the Transformers movie, has a mind of its own.  The Delorean in Back to the Future flies and travels through time.  The incredible vehicle in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang not only drives, but also flies and floats.  Now, we don’t need to look at a screen to see the cars of our dreams.

It is finally happening: self-driving cars are becoming more of a reality.  What many may not know is that the self-driving car has been in the works for decades.  Since the 1920s, inventive minds have attempted to control vehicles with machines, but it has not yet become mainstream.  Numerous automotive manufacturers are jumping on board and producing cars that drive themselves, which will make our commutes and road trips much smoother…or will they?

It is clear that there is a sense of hesitation surrounding the production of autonomous vehicles.  Sure, it is an amazing advancement and can make our lives much easier.  However, there are many drawbacks, and replacing humans is not always the best option.  Driving is not without risks, and is in fact one of the leading causes of fatalities and injuries.  If a vehicle cannot make a human judgement and relies solely on technology, there are bound to be errors, and these cars will need major servicing.

If you do decide to jump on the self-driving bandwagon, you will need a service plan you can be confident in.  One of Uber’s self-driving cars recently hit and killed a pedestrian because of malfunctioning.  This is one of many potential examples for why these cars will need frequent repairs and inspections.  They may be more prone to fender benders, which means having solid service protection on the vehicle, such as a plan from Cars Protection Plus, is essential.  Cars today are very complex because of the multitude of advancements, so there are many more ways in which vehicles can malfunction.  Regular maintenance, especially of self-driving cars, is critical to prevent issues.  Just like your regular and unplanned trips to the doctor, your vehicle deserves Cars Protection Plus for both scheduled maintenance and emergency trips.  The newest advancements in the automotive industry are exciting, but no car is without flaws and all should have dependable service plans.

Here’s how Coverage Plan from CARS Protection Plus can keep Repair Bills down

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The mechanical workings of your “daily driver” car aren’t always clear. We turn the key to start the engine, but what’s really going on within the electrical components that get starter motors churning and pistons pumping? CARS Protection Plus knows that motorists don’t always have the time nor interest to learn about the inner-most workings of their mode of transportation. What’s worth understanding (and what we’ll cover in this article) is the simple fact that parts wear out. Repair shops aren’t trying to take your money; there are indeed preventative maintenance issues worth addressing sooner rather than later.

Sinking Feeling: Most of us can “feel” when something about our car or truck isn’t right. Whether it’s a smell, sound or clear-as-day sight, it’s sometimes possible to get to the root of the problem with your senses alone. A failing suspension system is one that’s going to produce an uncomfortable ride at best and leave you on the side of the road at worst. CARS Protection Plus has warranty plans that account for ball joints and springs that keep vehicle suspensions from bottoming out. Drivers who picked up this vehicle protection plan and had work performed by a certified shop would thus be able to benefit from coverage.

Friendly Reminder: The warning lights that pop up on our dashboards aren’t there to aggravate us. Rather, intricate electronic systems pick up on unseen discrepancies going on under the hood and give us a crucial heads-up. The “check engine” light, while a bit general in its direction, lets mechanics employ various code-reading devices to further nail down what’s wrong. CARS Protection Plus warranty holders will undoubtedly save money when expensive automatic transmission components are failing. An overheating engine, which would also trigger a dash light, could be pinned down to low coolant levels, a clogged radiator or failed fan.

Strings Attached: A broken-down car needs to be towed to the garage. The garage will have clearly-stated labor costs per hour. While your car is in the shop, you’ll need a rental vehicle to get around. CARS Protection Plus has accounted for all of these elements and policyholders will benefit from reimbursements from towing, rental and labor. There will be some out-of-pocket costs, as there are with medical bills for insurance policy holders, but that’s just the cost of doing business on the road.

Even those in-tune with their cars can’t accurately predict which part is going to fail next. The best way to plan for this inevitability is by picking up a coverage plan and guarding yourself against expensive repair bills.

Can You Transfer Your CARS Protection Plus Coverage to a New Owner?

One of the most common questions the team at CARS Protection Plus receives involves what the state of the contract is if the vehicle is sold. The reason why motorists choose CARS Protection Plus is because the company accepts most vehicles on the road and offers coverage that fits the owner’s budget and needs. Since its inception over 20 years ago, CARS Protection Plus has worked hard to improve its services year after year.

Owning CARS Protection Plus coverage on a vehicle can be a significant selling point if you decide to sell the vehicle on the private market. And CARS Protection Plus makes the transfer as easy as possible to ensure all parties are satisfied. Here is how the process works for transferring your CARS Protection Plus service contract to the new owner.

First, you must confirm eligibility. You can do this by contacting CARS Protection Plus at 888-335-6838 and asking to speak with its transfer team. Once they confirm that your service contract is eligible for transfer, they will send you a transfer packet by email, fax, or mail depending on your preference. CARS Protection Plus says you will need to submit one of the following in order to complete the transfer:

  • A copy of the front & back of the original title with original owner and new owner signatures;
  • A copy of new owner’s temporary or permanent registration; or
  • A copy of the bill of sale agreement

The required documents along with a $99 transfer fee must be submitted to CARS prior to, or at the time of the sale in order to be valid. Once the transfer team at the CARS Protection Plus receives the completed transfer packet, it will review and approve the transfer and send an identification card to the new owner. CARS Protection Plus makes the transfer process as simple as possible to ensure a quick sale and allow the new owner of the vehicle to enjoy the same coverage benefits as the last owner.

How to Find a Reliable Car Repair Shop

You have found a reliable vehicle service contract provider in CARS Protection Plus, because you’ve done your research. Now it’s time to find a trustworthy mechanic. Doing your homework and selecting a great mechanic before you need major repair work can save you stress in the event of vehicle failure.

It would be great to be able to avoid taking your vehicle to the mechanic altogether. If you have seen consumer rip off report television specials, you know that there are some less than ethical car repair facilities in business. But establishing a relationship with one of the good guys before you need serious repair work will keep your car in good shape. The good news is that in order to sustain a business a good mechanic needs to build a positive reputation for keeping customers happy and their vehicles healthy. Look for a shop that has been in business for at least a few years. Although some smaller shops may not have an online presence, you should still be able to ask around your neighborhood and hear positive feedback about a shop that does business right.

Check out your local newspaper for an annual “Best of” or “Top 10” list to see if they have recognized a local repair shop for service excellence. Another resource for information is the National Institute for Automotive Excellence, using your zip code you can search their website for good shops in your area.

Once you have found a mechanic with a good reputation make an appointment for routine maintenance like an oil change and tire rotation. Your car will thank you and it is an opportunity to scope out the shop and see if it is a good fit. Hopefully with a little work you will find a great shop, close to home with a good attitude and convenient hours.

Vehicle Protection Plans: What You Need to Know

Buying an older vehicle can save you a small fortune in depreciation. But as the odometer creeps ever higher you may wonder if your savings will be depleted by unexpected vehicle repairs. This is why CARS Protection Plus is proud to be a leading provider of Vehicle Service Contracts. Sometimes referred to as an aftermarket warranty, a VSC is designed to provide financial assistance when a covered part has failed. Understanding the coverages available and selecting one that meets your needs can save you time and money as your vehicle matures.

Unlike a manufacturer’s warranty most vehicle service contracts allow you to take your vehicle to the service center of your choice. You do not need to go to an unfamiliar service department in a new car dealership. Another benefit of choosing a service contract from a third party provider is the ability to review several levels of coverage. Selecting the plan that covers the exact components that concern you, gives you the power to select as much or as little protection as you need.

When selecting your mechanical insurance provider it is important to know who you are dealing with.  A reputable company should be fully insured. This is to make certain assistance will still be provided if the company goes out of business during the contract. Making a hasty decision to go with an uninsured provider, may leave you to pay for you own repairs if the company goes under.  Another great resource for vetting your service contract provider is the Better Business Bureau. All businesses are bound to have a few bad reviews. The Better Business Bureau takes into account the company’s willingness to work through disputes and follow up on customer concerns. Choosing a company with an A+ rating is reassurance that you have found a great provider.

The best time to select your vehicle contract is when purchasing your vehicle from a reputable dealership. Check out some of our tips for buying used vehicles here. Once you have found a trustworthy dealer and selected your next dream car, adding a service contract is easy. Many dealerships don’t charge any upfront fees. Adding the contract to your financing is a smart decision for added peace of mind without having to come up the money all at once. The decision to add a vehicle protection plan can seem difficult. However, with a little reassurance from Cars Protection Plus, the choice is obvious.